Category: Artificial Intelligence

Are we ready for judicial AI?

Introduction The number and variety of tools and services that leverage Artificial Intelligence (AI) capabilities that humans benefit from in their everyday lives have continuously accelerated in the past years. AI is present in different industries, however, in this article, I focus my evaluation on the advantages and disadvantages of applying AI for juridical decision-making…
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October 9, 2023 0

Predicting earthquake damages with Azure ML Workspace

Introduction In the last few years, artificial intelligence (AI) has become more and more prevalent and powerful. Many speeches around AI nowadays explain how these technologies can be beneficial in predicting stock prices and creating value for an organization. Even the online courses that are meant to educate newcomers in the field focus on the…
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October 8, 2023 0

How reinforcement learning affects human behavior?

Reinforcement learning (RL) is a machine learning (ML) technique that trains the policy of the agent, who “must discover which actions yield the most reward by trying them (Sutton et al., 2018)” in a given situation. During trial-and-error iterations the agent evaluates the given feedback after each interaction, where the feedback can be a reward or a punishment, and then…
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February 28, 2023 0

Reinforcement Learning in Gaming

Microsoft made an amazing history in machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI). They proudly announced the preview of Reinforcement Learning (RL) on Azure Machine Learning at Build 2020. Today, the research project between Microsoft Research and Ninja Theory aims to leverage state-of-the-art RL in gaming, more specifically, how well agents can learn to collaborate…
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May 25, 2022 0

Responsible AI: Interpret-Text with the Introspective Rationale Explainer

In the previous post you got an overview about interpretability, and the different explainers available in the Interpret-Text tool. In this post you will get an understanding of how to use one of the explainers: Introspective Rationale Explainer. To generate an outstanding text fragment of important features for training a classification model, Introspective Rationale Explainer uses…
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May 19, 2022 0

Responsible AI: Interpret-Text with the Unified Information Explainer

In the previous post you got an overview about interpretability, and the different explainers available in the Interpret-Text tool. In this post you will get an understanding of how to use one of the explainers: Unified Information Explainer. The Unified Information Explainer can be used when a unified and intelligible explanation is needed about the transformer,…
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May 19, 2022 0

Responsible AI: Interpret-Text with the Classical Text Explainer

In the previous post you got an overview about interpretability, and the different explainers available in the Interpret-Text tool. In this post you will get an understanding of how to use one of the explainers: Classical Text Explainer. The Classical Text Explainer is an interpretability technique used on classical machine learning models, and covers the…
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May 19, 2022 0

Responsible AI: Interpret-Text

Introduction Artificial intelligence (AI) systems have a growing impact on people’s lives on an every-day-level, thus it is fundamental to protect people, understand models, and control ai systems. While machine learning (ML) services are constantly developing, Microsoft emphasizes the ethical principles that put people first, meaning that employees are working to ensure that AI develops…
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May 19, 2022 0